Integrasi yang rumit dengan berbagai biller dan penyedia layanan
Cukup satu API untuk terhubung ke berbagai metode pembayaran dan biller
Volume transaksi tinggi dengan margin tipis, efisiensi operasional rendah
Rekonsiliasi otomatis dan settlement real-time mengoptimalkan efisiensi operasional dan arus kas
Sistem yang tidak stabil dan kegagalan transaksi mengurangi kepercayaan pelanggan dan pendapatan
Ketersediaan sistem 99,9% dengan mekanisme retry otomatis menjamin kelancaran transaksi
Efisiensi Biaya Maksimal

Proses Lebih Banyak, Biaya Lebih Hemat

Tangani jutaan transaksi harian dengan biaya yang tetap terjangkau. Sistem smart-routing dan pemrosesan otomatis mengurangi beban operasional dan memaksimalkan margin.
Visibilitas Pembayaran Instan

Keandalan Real-Time untuk Skala Besar

Pastikan kelancaran transaksi dengan konfirmasi pembayaran instan dan detail transaksi yang lengkap. Tidak ada lagi keterlambatan update atau pencocokan manual.
Sistem Pembayaran Universal

Berbagai Metode, Satu Integrasi

Terima pembayaran melalui metode apapun sesuai pelanggan Anda. Cukup satu integrasi untuk transfer bank, e-wallet, dan virtual acount.
Rekonsiliasi Otomatis

Operasional Efisien, Margin Lebih Baik

Optimalkan efisiensi biaya operasional dengan sistem pencocokan transaksi instan, pelaporan otomatis, dan pengelolaan dana real-time.
"Partnering with Brick has given us the opportunity to tap into the offline donation market with their static QRIS feature. Now we can offer a new payment method for donations, opening up a lot of business opportunities in our horizon. Brick team was incredibly helpful in onboarding and integrating this feature smoothly into our environment."
Jordan F
(Kitabisa - Project Manager)
“Brick provides a payment solution that perfectly aligns with eFishery's specific needs. Their payment dashboard has been instrumental in improving our time efficiency. Moreover, the effective communication with the Brick team ensures that the services we receive are always in sync with the needs of our partners and fish farmers.”
Prasetyo W
(eFishery - Crowd Verification Operation Lead)
“Brick's API is user-friendly and well-documented, which makes the integration process a breeze. Furthermore, Brick provides a user-friendly dashboard that simplifies transaction checks. The separation of transaction fees also helps our team in breaking down costs quickly and accurately.”
Arman Jurais
(Klikoo - Product Manager)
“The expertise, friendliness, and quick responsiveness of the Brick team, coupled with the comprehensive and clear Brick API documentation, greatly facilitate the development of disbursement features.”
Vincent Kho
( - Head of Product Development)

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