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Payment Gateways and Payment Aggregators: Understanding the Differences, Functions, and Examples

Payment Gateways and Payment Aggregators: Understanding the Differences, Functions, and Examples

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, online transactions have become an integral part of daily life in Indonesia. Two key technologies enabling these seamless transactions are payment gateways and payment aggregators. While both play crucial roles in the digital payment ecosystem, there are significant differences that businesses and consumers in Indonesia should understand.

What is a Payment Gateway?

A payment gateway is a system that processes online payments by automating the transfer of information between a website and a bank. In Indonesia, payment gateways have become the backbone of e-commerce and digital transactions.

Key Functions of Payment Gateways

  1. Verifying transaction validity
  2. Encrypting financial data to protect sensitive information
  3. Authenticating payments through various methods (credit cards, bank transfers, e-wallets)
  4. Providing instant transaction confirmations

The payment gateway industry in Indonesia has grown rapidly, with many local and international players competing to provide the best services.

What is a Payment Aggregator?

A payment aggregator is a transaction model that provides payment services to merchants without the need for separate bank accounts. In Indonesia, payment aggregators have become a popular solution, especially for SMEs, enterprises, and e-commerce businesses. Payment aggregators integrate various payment methods into a single platform, allowing merchants to accept payments from multiple sources through one main account.

Key Advantages of Payment Aggregators

  1. Simplifying the payment process
  2. Automatically managing transaction reports
  3. Reducing the risk of reconciliation errors

Key Differences Between Payment Gateways and Payment Aggregators in Indonesia

While both facilitate digital payments, payment gateways and payment aggregators in Indonesia have several key differences:

  1. Service Form:
    • Payment gateways are software or applications.
    • Payment aggregators are companies providing payment services.
  2. Integration:
    • Payment gateways require direct integration with banks or financial service providers.
    • Payment aggregators provide sub-merchant accounts, simplifying the integration process.
  3. Merchant Relationships:
    • Payment Gateways: Merchants typically have direct merchant accounts with banks or payment service providers.
    • Payment Aggregators: Merchants use sub-merchant accounts under the aggregator.
  4. Fund Management:
    • Payment Gateways: Do not directly manage transaction funds.
    • Payment Aggregators: Manage and distribute transaction funds to merchants.

Examples of Payment Gateways in Indonesia

Indonesia has several prominent payment gateways supporting the growth of national e-commerce. Here are some examples:

  1. Midtrans: Offers various payment methods and is known for its high transaction security.
  2. Xendit: Popular among SMEs and startups, providing quick and easy integration.
  3. DOKU: A pioneer in Indonesian payment gateways, with sophisticated fraud management systems.
  4. Faspay: Experienced in serving various business scales, from startups to large companies.

Examples of Payment Aggregators in Indonesia

Several payment aggregators operating in Indonesia include:

  1. Brick: Provides comprehensive and innovative payment solutions. Focusing on financial data integration and payments, Brick enables businesses to access various financial services through a single, secure, and easy-to-use API.
  2. OY! Indonesia: Offers integrated payment solutions for various types of bills.
  3. KIOSBANK: Facilitates payments for various bills through a single platform.
  4. Payfazz: Provides digital payment services for micro-agents.

Growth of the Payment Gateway and Payment Aggregator Industry in Indonesia

The payment gateway and payment aggregator industry in Indonesia continues to show significant growth. According to Bank Indonesia data, as of February 2024, the nominal value of digital banking transactions reached IDR 5,103.03 trillion, growing 19.72% year-on-year.

Factors driving this growth include:

  1. Increased smartphone and internet penetration
  2. Changing consumer behavior favoring digital transactions
  3. Government support for the digital economy
  4. Ongoing technological innovations in the fintech sector, including payment gateways and aggregators
  5. Growth in the e-commerce sector, driving the need for more diverse and efficient digital payment solutions

This development indicates that the payment gateway and payment aggregator industry in Indonesia has great growth potential in the future. The significant increase in digital banking and electronic money transaction values indicates the growing adoption of digital payment technology among Indonesian society.

Tips for Choosing the Right Payment Solution for Your Business

When choosing between a payment gateway and a payment aggregator, consider the following factors:

  1. Business Scale: Understand your business scale and whether it's more efficient to use a payment gateway, payment aggregator, or both.
  2. Transaction Volume: Evaluate costs based on estimated monthly transaction volumes.
  3. Integration Needs: Consider your technical team's ability to perform integrations.
  4. Payment Methods: Ensure the chosen solution supports the payment methods your customers prefer.
  5. Security: Check the security standards and certifications held by the service provider. Make sure they comply with PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) to ensure the security of your customer data.
  6. Costs: Compare fee structures between various service providers. Pay attention to setup fees, transaction fees, and monthly fees.
  7. Customer Support: Ensure the service provider offers responsive and comprehensive customer support.


Payment gateways and payment aggregators are two important technologies in Indonesia's digital payment ecosystem. While they have different roles and characteristics, both aim to facilitate safe and efficient online transactions.

Payment gateways in Indonesia are suitable for large businesses with high customization needs, while payment aggregators offer simpler and more affordable solutions for SMEs, startups, and enterprises. The development of both technologies in Indonesia continues to show positive trends, driven by e-commerce growth and changing consumer behavior.

When choosing a payment solution, it's important for businesses in Indonesia to consider their operational scale, transaction volume, integration needs, and security aspects. With a good understanding of the differences and advantages of each technology, businesses can make the right decision in choosing a payment solution that meets their needs.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. What's the main difference between payment gateways and payment aggregators in Indonesia?Payment gateways are systems that process transactions, while payment aggregators are companies that provide integrated payment services and manage transaction funds.
  2. Are small businesses in Indonesia better suited to using payment gateways or payment aggregators?Small businesses in Indonesia generally find payment aggregators more suitable due to lower costs and easier integration.
  3. How do I choose the right payment gateway or payment aggregator in Indonesia?Consider factors such as business scale, transaction volume, integration needs, supported payment methods, security, costs, and customer support.
  4. Is it possible to use both payment gateways and payment aggregators simultaneously in Indonesia?Yes, some businesses in Indonesia use both to maximize payment flexibility and reach.
  5. How is transaction security ensured in payment gateways and payment aggregators in Indonesia?Both use advanced encryption technology and security protocols to protect transaction data. Make sure the service provider you choose complies with applicable security standards in Indonesia.

By understanding the differences and advantages of each technology, businesses in Indonesia can make informed decisions in choosing payment solutions that suit their needs, optimizing transaction processes and enhancing customer satisfaction.

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