3 Functions and How to Verify the Validity of Debtor Information System
The Debtor Information System or SID serves as a platform that facilitates access to quality information regarding debtors. This information typically includes data and reports on debtors held by Bank Indonesia. But what exactly is debtor information? And how can you verify it within the SID? Let's delve into the comprehensive answers below.
In the Bank Indonesia Regulation Codification, SID is extensively explained. However, it will be reiterated in this article to facilitate your understanding. A debtor is an individual, company, or entity that receives funding facilities. The funding provided can be in the form of investments in rupiah or foreign currency in various forms. All data and reports on debtors created by commercial banks are managed by Bank Indonesia. Thus, the Debtor Information System is a system that provides information on these debtor reports.
The debtor information allowed for access includes owner and manager identities, funding facilities obtained, collateral, guarantors, and collectability. All this information can be requested online through the official website of the Financial Services Authority (OJK), namely the Financial Information Services System (SLIK). Here are the detailed functions and ways to access debtor information for you.
Functions of Requesting Debtor Information
1. Facilitating the Funding Provision Process
In providing funding, banks will undoubtedly conduct thorough investigations into prospective debtors. The data on debtors must be requested through a secure procedure, namely through the Debtor Information System. Therefore, having this information makes the funding provision process smoother. Of course, this is still subject to the principle of prudence. One of the benefits that can be experienced is when fund providers offer comprehensive facilities to the bank's customers concerned.
2. Risk Management Needs
For banks, determining the capabilities of debtors is crucial. That's why every bank needs to conduct risk management. The debtor information available can serve as a reference data for creating risk management strategies.
3. Identifying Debtor Quality
Each debtor may have the possibility of receiving funding from several banks simultaneously. Therefore, banks intending to provide funding to a debtor under such conditions will need debtor information from the respective previous banks. This way, the new bank can conduct inquiries regarding the debtor's quality during the previous funding acceptance period.
How to Request Debtor Information
Requesting debtor information is more conveniently done online. Although it cannot be delegated, the process is quick and straightforward. Follow these steps:
- Firstly, you need to register on the official OJK website, namely the Financial Information Services System (SLIK).
- Then select the "Type of Applicant" option. You'll be presented with options for Individuals and Companies.
- Next, in the column below, you'll be asked to select the date by which you'll complete the required requirements. This date will also indicate when you'll receive debtor information.
- Automatically, available queue time slots and quotas will appear. If all options read "Full," choose another date. Then click "Next."
- You'll be redirected to the debtor information request form page. Pay attention to the address column as there are two types. "Address" is for filling in the address according to your identity or ID card, while "Other Address" is for filling in any other address besides the first address.
- You'll also be asked to upload a photo or scan of supporting documents in jpg, jpeg, png, or pdf format.
- Read and understand the Disclaimer and enter the Captcha code.
- Once successful, you'll receive a SLIK Online queue registration proof via email. Your documents will be reviewed, and you'll need to validate them via email sent at most 3 days before the queue date.
- You'll be asked to verify via WhatsApp at most 1 day before the queue date. In this process, sometimes the OJK will contact applicants via video call.
- If all your documents are accepted, the requested debtor information will be sent to the same email used for registration. Easy, isn't it?
For those unable to request debtor information online, you can do so by visiting the nearest OJK office. You just need to bring supporting documents for the debtor information request, such as a copy of your ID card or passport for foreigners, a power of attorney if necessary, and other documents depending on the debtor's status. Later, you'll be asked to fill out a form and submit the documents for review. The debtor information results will be printed and handed to you without much waiting.
Regarding data and reporting related to customers or other financial service users, you'll need the assistance of a third party. Brick is one of the API technology providers that makes customer data verification processes easier and faster.